Wheelchair Outcome Measure (WhOM) Terms and Conditions of Use

Thank you for your interest in the WhOM. Prior to providing you with a copy of the manual please indicate your agreement to fulfill the following terms.

  1. If you decide to use the WhOM in your research, please notify Dr. Bill Miller.
  2. Dr. Bill Miller would like to track and follow-up with individuals who request copies of the WhOM to receive or obtain feedback, so your permission is requested to collect your name and e-mail address for future follow-up (to be entered on the registration page).
  3. We ask that you do not provide photocopies for others, but instead refer them to the website where they can obtain their own copy (this allows us to monitor #1 and 2 above).
  4. While there is research on the tool, it is currently limited to the SCI, long-term care (manuscript in submission) and older community living (manuscript published) populations. Other studies including altering it for adolescents are ongoing. The reliability and validity seem to be quite good.
  5. Note the research has been completed for Canadian French and English language versions of the WhOM. There is no Thai or other Asian language version. To make sure your research is robust, the WhOM should be translated/back translated and then the reliability assessed if you want to use it in your native language; otherwise you should use the English or French version.
  6. To cite the original English version of the WhOM : Mortenson, WB, Miller, WC, & Miller Polgar, Jan. (2007). Measuring wheelchair intervention outcomes: development of the Wheelchair Outcome Measure. Disability and Rehabilitation: Assistive Technology, 2(5), 265-285. 

If you are agreeable to above conditions, please click “I agree to the Terms and Conditions” and you will be directed to our registration page.